Plastex responsibility

Plastex is a fourth-generation family business. Plastex manufactures durable and beautiful plastic products for consumers in Lohja, Finland.

Did you know that 1 kg of recycled plastic saves 1.5 kg of carbon dioxide compared to virgin plastic?

Plastex manufactures products from recycled plastics that belong to the ECO product family. Products made from bio-based plastic belong to the BIO product family. Products made from virgin plastic, such as water containers and cardamom jars, are food-approved. Plastex aims to increase the share of ECO and BIO products to 50% of all manufactured products.

In 2021, up to 17.80% of all Plastex manufactured products were either BIO or ECO. Savings of around 140,000 kilograms of CO2 that year! (3)

The carbon footprint of an ECO product is about half that of virgin plastic (1). Plastex uses Fortum Circo®, and Lassila&Tikanoja recycled plastic in its products. According to research, one ton of recycled plastic saves 22 barrels of oil and 2000 kg of emissions compared to virgin plastic. (2) The BIO-based plastic used by Plastex is Braskem's I'm Green®. (6.)

All electricity used by Plastex is 100% renewable energy. (4.)

Plastex made the change to emission-free energy on its properties with the help of energy recycling. Energy recycling replaces oil heating in its entirety, and CO2 emissions fall by 180,000 kilograms per year. The system takes care of the factory's cooling and heating needs and also heats the nearby residential properties without CO2 emissions (5.).

Plastex ECO plastic use



3. Miia Liikanen & Kaisa Kuusela, LCA Consulting. Tuotteen hiilijalanjälki laskelma tutkimus 10.6.2021.

4. Alkuperätakuutodistus Veni Oy

