Values and vision


Scandinavian area market leader in cicular economy product blow moulding


  • Satisfied and happy customer
  • Courage and openness
  • Trust and cooperation
  • Profitability and honesty
  • Sustainability and responsibility (BIO- and ECO-products).
  • Finnish work


  • Comprehensive service of commerce
  • Satisfied consumer customer
  • Satisfied, learning, and competent Plastex employee
  • Continuous renewal and increase in value of Plastex
  • BIO- ja ECO-products account for 40% of manufacturing in the year 2023


All our values support our profitable, responsible, and long-term business. Plastex aims to be the leading manufacturer of circular economy products in Scandinavia. The goal is for 40% of our products to be circular economy (ECO products) and made from bio-based material (BIO products) by 2023.

In terms of products, responsibility and sustainable development mean that they are designed and manufactured to last as long as possible, they are safe and best suited for their purpose, and the amount of energy and material used in their production and the environmental impact during their entire life cycle is minimized. The products are made from high-quality, BPA-free, recyclable materials; if possible, the whole product is made from recycled or bio-based raw materials. Regarding quality, we operate by the ISO 9001 quality standard and the principles of continuous improvement.

Most of our products are manufactured in Finland, reducing the environmental burden and the products' carbon footprint.

All the raw materials we use are procured only from well-known and reliable suppliers who manufacture them following the principles of sustainable development and with the lowest possible environmental impact. We recycle and use practically all of the surplus plastic generated in the manufacturing process of our products. All our raw materials are 100% BPA-free and meet the requirements of REACH GMP and other EU directives and the regulations and recommendations of Finnish laws and authorities. The properties and safety of the materials used in manufacturing food contact products and toys are tested and studied to guarantee their suitability for their purpose. We are constantly investigating the possibilities of using more recycled and bio-based natural fiber materials in our products. Regarding the packaging we use, we have agreed with Pakkauskierrätys Rinki Oy, which handles the recycling of our packaging, by our producer responsibility.

For employees, responsibility manifests itself in safe and functional working conditions, long working relationships at our location in Lohja, adequate training, and an excellent working atmosphere. Plastex complies with all international and national norms, agreements, laws, and recommendations regulating working conditions.

Regarding energy use, we invest in energy efficiency by renewing our machinery and utilizing all possible energy and heat generated in the manufacturing process, for example, from condensers and compressors to heat buildings. In addition, we have switched to using low-power energy-saving lamps and LED lamps, motion detectors, and thermal curtains for exterior doors, which have achieved significant energy adjustments.

Plastex participates in and complies with the recommendations related to energy saving and environmental responsibility of the RC program (Responsible care) for the sustainable development of the chemical industry and complies with its reporting obligations.

Regarding finances, we operate profitably and fulfill our social obligations by making payments and fulfilling our other responsibilities as required by laws and agreements.

Plastex is a Finnish family company in Lohja that manufactures and markets consumer goods and technical products. It was founded in 1936.